Has the LHC Destroyed the Earth?

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Has the Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World Yet?

Be sure to view the Source on this one as well (check about getting your refund in case of failure)

Large Hadron Rap (video)

Bonus link: Large Hardon Collider (NSFW)

Just got back from Wake Forrest University where I spent a week on intense interdisciplinary study, conversation, drinking, and excessive cigarette smoking. If you are a college student, or recent graduate (and are at all interested in liberty) and have not been to any of the Institute for Humane Studies’ seminars I encourage you to apply next seminar.

I attended “Liberty & Society” after being recommended by Bureaucrash’s Crasher in Chief Pete Eyre, and am deeply in his debt because of this. I was excited before arriving, and had high expectations, but was unprepared for how bad ass it actually was. The IHS Staff is wonderful, helpful, and particpates in conversation as your equal, the professor will really challenge the way you look at the world around you, and even the way you learned history. No matter how odd your views may be, you find others you have tons in common with, or those who fundamental life view are very different that become close allies (A smut peddling Atheist working hand in hand with A Catholic, A Mormon, and a Lutheran to promote Anarchy and Capitalism!)

Where can you study the benefits of Child Labor and Prostitution and the evils of fair trade coffee and the social contract? Where can the people doing a session on the ‘Moral Superiority of Communism’ vote for the AnarchoCaptialist presentation, and the AnCaps NOT vote for themselves, even with prize money on the line!!

I made some great friends, a few who I think I will actually see again, and some I will hold deal to me for a very long time. I will have a very few pictures soon.

ImmiGreat logoSomeone forwarded me an e-mail chain letter yesterday, that really got to me.  It attacked several of my pet peeves at once, bad science/math, forwarding an e-mail chain, xenophobia, and a failure to check Snopes before passing something along.  This person has sent me stuff before, that I have just ignored, but I always feel bad for letting things like this go by without calling out the bad info. So this time I responded, nearly point by point, and kept is simple, didn’t even bring in any Anarchist theory, making the response more easily digestible by those who still believe in the state.

This was a rant about rising gas prices and ‘illegal’ immigration, read the e-mail, and my response, below. (I have cleaned up the original’s font size, colors, spacing, and justification to be easier to read and save space, the content remains unaltered)

George Carlin’s
Solution to Save Gasoline :
Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use…..
The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants!

That would be 11 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down…..

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the Border….

When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq ….

Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a tour in the military….

Give him a soldier’s pay while he’s there and tax him on it…..

After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country…..

He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal patriot….. .

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves..


If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the canteen, rifle or ammo…..

Problem solved…..

If you think this is a good solution to both the problems, forward it to ALL your friends.
I just did………

Here is my response, I made sure to bulk reply to everyone that received that e-mail the same time I did.

First: this isn’t George Carlin (http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/carlingas.asp)
Second, Gas prices are set on a global market. Deporting 11 Million people won’t change the demand, just shift it to other places, but the price will remain the same.  A big portion of the rise in prices here, is the increased demand in China and India.
Third – Although I fully support bringing the troops home from Iraq, Active Duty Military cannot be used as immigration enforcement because of posse comitatus.  The law forbidding the use of military forces for domestic policing.
Fourth – Conscripting/drafting people as they cross the border is nothing short of slavery, the draft is immoral for ‘citizens’ and ‘non-citizens’ as well.  It is never moral to force someone to work against their will, even if you pay them, no matter what the law.  Shipping people to Iraq to die isn’t even funny.
Fifth – We are a nation of immigrants, founded on the ideas of freedom and escaping to a better life.  The statues of liberty still has a plaque that reads “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teaming shore.  Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  (http://www.libertystatepark.com/emma.htm)
Some may argue that your ancestors came here legally, but it was MUCH easier then. Wanting to destroy the American Dream, to close that ‘golden door’ is cruel and nightmarish, to desire to do so for greed and protectionism is even more so.
If you hold freedom and the truth dear as I do, please send this to all your friends.

Xaq Fixx

Why did I feel the need to respond? as Edmund Burke said “The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing”

(02:10:12 PM) Konstruct: dude we could use west coast parties as a new form of energy, perpetual kinetic partying energy
(02:10:43 PM) XaqFixx: I like where you are going with this and will subscribe to your news letter
(02:10:52 PM) XaqFixx: We will need a giant straw
(02:11:22 PM) XaqFixx: so we can drink it up
(02:11:28 PM) XaqFixx: I understand their milkshake is better than ours anyway
(02:12:46 PM) Konstruct: we must drink their milkshakes
(02:13:47 PM) XaqFixx: I happen to be in the possession of a large amount of buckets, freshly liberated from the tyrannical flippers of angry walruses, that we can store them in
(02:14:22 PM) XaqFixx: it will be guarded by an army of LOL cats, led by EPIC FAIL guy
(02:14:31 PM) Konstruct: won’t that incur the wrath of the mudkips?
(02:15:07 PM) XaqFixx: No, Ceiling cat says they are all preoccupied
(02:15:23 PM) XaqFixx: Pedo Bear verified this information
(02:15:54 PM) Konstruct: what was the sneezing pandas take on all this
(02:17:07 PM) XaqFixx: I dunno, tired to find out but got rick rolled
(02:17:43 PM) Konstruct: thats better than being chuckle fucked
(02:18:25 PM) XaqFixx: neither Goatse or Tubgirl could be reached for comment, they did offer me some beer, but Chris Mathews came to my rescue, and had them take a seat over there
(02:18:44 PM) Konstruct: lol
(02:19:12 PM) Konstruct: So thats why M Bison was screaming yes
(02:20:23 PM) XaqFixx: that, and all my bases belong to him

New Pic

May 2, 2008


A pic of me and my wonderful (yet Camera Shy) wife at last weekend’s Return of the Bats, I was working the door. I have been invited to DJ sometime in the future, and may just do that come June or so, so stay tuned. I wish you could see my handlebar ‘stache and mohawk better in the pic, but club lighting isn’t the best.

Thanks to ROTB DJ, Urabn Explorer, and Photographer Sanity Ana for the pics.

Hello Readers,

I know many of you are new to this blog, and I wanted to thank WordPress for their front page, and news page, love.  I hope you all have enjoyed the article about the citizen ticketing the cop, and have taken time to check out some of the other articles on here.  Please stay tuned for more liberty, activism, political, and brewing related news, while you are waiting, why not check out some of the folks on my blog roll.  None of those sites links are paid ad spots, just like minded bloggers and groups.


Xaq Fixx

Free the Jefferson 1!

Jefferson 1 Update

April 21, 2008

The Jefferson 1 – now known to be Brooke Oberwetter -has had the arrest expunged from her record, however, they aren’t dropping the ridiculous “interfering with an agency function” charge and have added an even more ridiculous charge of “demonstrating without a permit.”  The case has also upgraded from DC Court to the federal court.

As many of you know, a permit is only required for demonstrations of more than 25 people.  Although this may fit the definition of a demonstration, a permit would still not be required for the Jefferson Birthday Dance as there was less than 25 people involved (unless you count the cops and nonparticipating tourists).  This charge is completely bogus.

If you haven’t yet, please consider donating to the Free The Jefferson 1! Defense Fund.

This update is via the agitator.

Unlicensed Photography

April 19, 2008

No Image Availble, the camera was takenIn the land of “fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins…” taking pictures can be a real ordeal, you may find yourself harassed by a bobby if you don’t have your papers, just like Phil Smith. Mr. Smith was in Ipswitch to take pictures of the Christmas lighting celebration and was there early, so he started taking a few shots of the warm up, when he was stopped by the police asking for his camera license.

When he tried to tell the police he didn’t need one he was escorted across a barier, away from the crowds so he could be formally searched on a side street. He was then told to delete the pictures he had already taken, and ordered not to take any more. He was not arrested, but was still hasaled and made to feel that phtography is an unacceotable hobby.

Mr. Smith is not alone in his run in with over zealous cops while out taken pictures, MP Austin Mitchell, an avid photographer has been challenged twice for his public picture taking and is pushing a motion for police to be educated on photographers rights.

Why the relatively recent apprehension toward photogrpahers? The same excuses we hear in the states for more restrictions on our rights, terrorism and pedophilia. These fears are being enhanced by a state propaganda campaign, warning people to look out for suspicious photographers, “loose Irises sink ships” or something like that. This campaign has drawn the attention of activist and artist who have doen some wonderful parodies.

How much more will it take for people to start fighting back?

Citizen Tickets Cop

April 19, 2008

We’ve all seen it, the cop turning without his signal, speeding without his lights or siren on, or parking in a no parking zone when there was no emergency. Some people have had enough and done something about it, like minor youtube celeb, Jimmy Justice, who goes around new York City videotaping and questioning city employees, traffic wardens, and police about their illegal parking. His actions, although entertaining, and awareness raising serve to do little other than to piss off the state actors involved. A young lawyer in Oregon has taken a different approach, using his knowledge of the law he has figured out how a citizen can issue parking tickets to police, and has already done so at least once.

As the Portland Mercury reports, Eric Bryant was sitting in a Japanese resturant when he saw a cop park under a no parking sign, then come inside, order lunch, and started watching the game on TV. When Bryant asked the officer about his choice in parking spots he acknowledge that he was parked in a no parking zone, but that there was nothing wrong with that as he was a cop. The officer then asked “If someone broke into your house, would you rather have the police be able to park in front of your house or have to park three blocks away and walk there?”

According to Bryant “If he had acknowledged and corrected his error, we could have avoided this whole thing but instead, he kept watching basketball and told me he wasn’t doing anything wrong.” This bothered Eric, so he took the next step and initiated violation proceedings against Officer Stensgaard, racking up $540 in fines for the officer for “illegal parking, illegal stopping, obeying parking restrictions on state highways, and illegal operation of an emergency vehicle or ambulance” if the officer in convicted on his court date May 23rd.

My favorite quote from Mr. Bryant: “Citizens should be concerned that he used his status as an officer of the law as justification for breaking the law,”